Branding and Marketing services

Welcome to the beginning of expression. It can be a volatile place where you are trapped in the prickly thorns of your own visions and the voices in your head but also full of wonder and imagination. Where do you go from here? Whats the magic ingredient that takes a brand from idea to practice?

A practice acknowledges that you will change, your business will change, but you will wake up everyday to share your ideas. Luckily, you don’t have to traverse these plains, valleys and hills alone!

We specialize in working with brands who help; coaches, therapists, embodied creatives who want to live and share what their journey is, as it is, here and now.

We also happen to have a track record and knack for creative writing and easeful graphics that incorporate your brand styles with joy and style.

Turns out, all it takes is a bit of joy, comfort, soup and remembering who you are…

Creative Partners

Looking for a consistent fire that won’t blow out, dampen or cease? You are ready to explore a new world but just need some support and tools to get you going. Let’s hike together into exciting new terrain!

● A 1-2 hour call once a month

● a collaborative marketing consult once a month to go over your strategy, create action items, provide coaching, fine-tune and optimize your current efforts strategically

● high-level exercises to uplift your marketing and business wit and sense

● alignment focus with your values and what you want to build

● overview and debrief of work done previously

● Brainstorming and brand overview for planned out next steps

starts at $250 per coaching session

Chicken Soup for the Fearless Soul

You’ve climbed mountains and discovered new things about yourself and your context, but you are itching to level up, set up camp in your zone of genius and not do it alone. Let’s nourish your practice and bring it to light more, so that the right people continue to find you.

*most popular package!

● Usually a hybrid version of the package before and after

● For coaches/therapists who want marketing strategy support as well as hands-on customized coaching/strategic thinking/creative soundboard hybrid

● We decide the nature of our collaboration and execution work together (e.g. I may do the copywriting and scheduling, while you oversee editing, dms, stories, etc.)

● We create a sustainable way to show up online that gives you more time to be in your business rather than constantly oscillating between marketing brain and coach/service provider 

starts at $800 or custom quote depending on what you need

The Intrepid Practitioner

Your brand is a seasoned pro, ready to find new terrains and expand your sights without losing quality or the work you have built for years. You know the dream only continues with a team and you’ve carried the same load for enough time. You are itching to get out there and see what else is possible with a team you can trust.

● A monthly retainer for up to 2 social media accounts (1 main one and 1 secondary one to maintain e.g. IG/FB is one and a secondary one can be Twitter/LinkedIn/Tik Tok/Pinterest/Newsletter) 

● includes above packages & monthly touch base meeting 

● Up to 3 social media accounts managed daily with engagement work and organic growth to build audience and attract ideal clients 

● content creation and graphics included 

● content brainstorms and content calendars integrated with marketing calendars

● support/consult on strategic PR work with influencers or other collaborations (1-3 max. month)

starts at $1500 a month

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.